Our happenings, thoughts and other fun stuff

November 6, 2008

Out of the Boat!

Ok, so like Peter we are stepping out in faith... we are starting (from scratch!) a children's ministry! Hopefully we won't sink like he did, but Jesus helped him back up! :)

We are working with the children of the migrant field workers. These are the poorest of the poor in Ensenada area. Field owners pay for them to come up from the state of Oaxaca. When they get here they are put in large chicken coop like structures with a dirt floor and no way to keep warm. Then part of what they are paid from working in the fields goes back to the owner to pay off their passage up here. Some of the parents we see don't even speak Spanish, they speak Mestaico (which I probably spelled wrong), an Indian dialect nothing like Spanish.

So our first day was last week. It was utter chaos! We weren't really sure what to expect as far as the number and ages of the children, so we brought a lot of games to play and decided to keep it simple. Turns out, this wasn't such a good idea.

We got to the center and there were no children. There was one guy working on the building, and he asked what we were doing. We told him the pastor said we could start a children's ministry out here and that there would be kids out about now. He jumped in his car and came back with about 6 kids from a nearby camp. At first they were scared of us, mostly Jeremy actually, because he's so white! Most of them warmed up to us, and then they started running wild.

So now we're a little more prepared. We tell them Bible stories, and color a LOT! They love coloring. It's not something that they get to do at home or school. At first, some of the kids tried to give us back their pictures when they finished. They didn't understand that these were for them to take home. They have so little personal belongings.

Once the days are light longer, we are going to try to start some programs with the youth as well. Right now, they all work until 5 pm, when it gets dark. Since there is no electricity out there, life pretty much shuts down then.

So pray for us! We need materials and more hands to help! Right now we are only working with children from one camp. There are many, many more in the surrounding area that we want to reach. It is now dependent on us to pick them up, bring them to the center (which is a central location) and take them back home. With only two of us, we are apprehensive to add more children, but want to see them all there! We need more materials if we are going to be able to work with more children. Right now we have about 6 small boxes of crayons. We trust that God will provide for all of our needs!

Ok, so this was a long one. I'll update you more about the other exciting things going on in our lives later! Oh, and pictures should come soon!

God Bless!


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