Our happenings, thoughts and other fun stuff

December 31, 2007

New Year!

Well in about two and half hours it will be the new year! This past year has been full of so many adventures. We've gotten married, moved to a different country as missionaries... who knows what this next year will bring? :)

At the moment we are hearing a million fireworks go off outside. They sound like bombs! One of the joys of living in Mexico.

We are hoping to move in to the apartment by the end of February. By then the house will be done so the people living in the apartment can move out and in to the house! It will be so nice to have a little place of our own again.

The youth leaders meeting went well. Six churches attended! We are very excited about this new team of people we have to work with. We are planning to attend their youth groups and build up relationships with the teens while working on support for the youth center.

We pray that this next year brings many blessings for all of you!