Our happenings, thoughts and other fun stuff

February 26, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Things are starting to pick up here! Last week we had around 120 campers in. It was a really busy but awesome week. They built 6 houses and had a couple of VBS and other ministries going on as well! I (Melody) ended up translating for a different site every day! It was fun to get to know people from all over North America. And it sounds like we'll be getting a few more sponsers too!

Things are quiet for these next two weeks as we prepare for more groups, but then March will be packed full!

We miss all of you back home. There's never enough time in the day to talk to all our loved ones. Keep us updated! We rarely hear any news of what's going on in the outside world, especially with what is going on in all of your lives!

Randy and Sandy have offically arrived with their family to stay for good. We are excited to have them around again!

Please continue to pray for us as we minister here!

February 3, 2008


It's quiet in the house right now, except for the sound of rain outside. Yes, it is raining AGAIN! The streets are only slightly flooded so far.

Praise God, our support continues to go up! Another person contacted us just Friday about supporting us. We are SO encouraged by this. It is a nice reminder that God is always faithful, and that we are where HE wants us to be.

We have three new interns, all from Canada, for the next three months. They are very cool people (so far) :P . Its only been a couple days, but they are fitting in great!

I've decided to cut back on the amount of classes I'll be taking online next semester. It has become too much to "go to school" full time as well as be as involved as I would like to be in the ministry (and have time to breathe!). So I'm going to go to a half time (?) load, with two classes per semester. The classes I'm taking now are facinating (psychology and youth ministry) but SO much work.

We did all the shopping for the breakfast programs the other day. One time, I am going to take a picture of the enormus amount of food that it takes to run five programs for a month. It always gets a little ridiculous when we are trying to check out at the local Costco. Or when we run to the dollar store and get over 20 bags of cereal. We get a few laughs! But it also opens doors to share about Christ, which is always AWESOME!

So things are busy, but good here. Kinda cold. Can't complain too much. We have a roof over our heads that doesn't leak. After seeing the conditions here, you are thankful for each little thing that God has blessed us with and heartbroken for those that do not have even solid walls around them.